
The Privacy and Security Advantages from Electronic Filing Solutions.


Businesses can drastically improve their operations with an electronic filing solution. With employees working remotely, your team can safely access any sensitive data to perform their jobs.

A physical document would no longer have to be retrieved which drastically reduces the time that employees spends looking for documents. Updating old data doesn’t require a new physical document to be created. Employees can pull digital files, update old information, and the job is done. Transferring data from company to client or vice versa provides a convenience both ends can appreciate. Also, with employees working from home, they can assist clients or customers as they can send important documents to each other. 

Access and safety features from electronic files can be tailored to a business’s needs once moved to cloud storage. Electronic files can be encrypted to block general access to certain information under a company’s cloud. Therefore, password protection on highly sensitive files can be set up to limit which employees can access data. 

The security of the digital files isn’t just in the matter of access, but preservation. An aging document could lose legibility and readability over time. However, electronic files can remain consistently visible over time without fading or damage.

My ScanTeam is prepared to handle your document scanning and be your electronic filing solution. Reach out for a hassle-free consultation to take another step towards making your office virtual, reducing your company’s carbon footprint, and being more functional.

Daniel Vasquez